Saturday 26 October 2013

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The British music industry would have been dramatically different had it not been for one Tony Wilson.
Factory Records not only bore Joy Division/New Order and the Happy Mondays, but – thanks to Peter Saville’s design aesthetic – set a template for numerous UK independent labels to ape. In 1982, Wilson and friends opened The Haçienda. The rest, as they say, is history – one chartered most memorably in Michael Winterbottom’s 2002 film, 24 Hour Party People.
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This October, Wilson will be curating a “fantasy” night showcasing his favourite new bands [ed note: Tim Booth of James, Crank and The Music] at London’s ICA called DJ Saved My Life, part of Amnesty’s campaign to force proper control of the arms trade right to the top of the political agenda.
flowArrange 11 X 11 puzzle game downloadHere FACT interviews him via the Internet. Want to know the bands he wished he’d signed, but didn’t? What’s his favourite record of 2003? How much money would make him stop working? His biggest fashion faux pas and the last time he went out and wasn’t on the guest list? Then read on…

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“Can’t stand queuing and can’t stand using my minor celebrity to get in. Either straight in or fuck off is my motto.”
  What can you expect from your night at the ICA? Sell it to us…
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My theme is ‘the one who got away’. It seemed like a nice idea to put on a few bands I have fallen in love with in the last few years and failed to sign – a way of being contemporary and also self-depreciating. Maybe it would be nicer to offer people a slice of what it feels like to be me going to a gig… every time I descend the grimy stairs of some hip basement, it is the same as doing an examination, except that my life depends on it. It’s an exam ‘cause it’s an exercise in art criticism; “Is this band good or bad?”. And life or death, ‘cause if I ever saw a band and thought they were poor and they turned out to be life-enhancing geniuses, I would have to slit my fucking throat. So that’s what it feels like every time I do this. And for my night for the ICA, here are two bands that I adore and one young bunch I respect enormously but I wouldn’t sign ‘cause they don’t fulfil my criteria of being unable to play their instruments.
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You’ve experienced armed violence at clubs and scenes you’ve been integral over the years. How important to you is it to be involved in this campaign?
I hate bullies and in the end that’s all gangs are. The glorification of self-assertive violence is in fact the glorification of those people in the school playground who deal with their inadequacies by terrorising children who are weaker than themselves.
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Any effort to disengage from the bling quotient of firearms is to be cheered. It’s not cool to threaten violence or indulge in it. It’s great to be doing some little thing like curating a gig even (oh so fucking arty) to add even a little to this message.
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How optimistic are you about a time when clubs can prevent such violence?
Not very. The club problem is, in my experience, an ego problem. The better your club – and you want it to be the greatest – the more the heads and their minions will want to come in and show off and preen themselves by getting free drinks and hitting your staff if they don’t give them free drinks. Always found the sheer helplessness of being unable to defend one’s bar staff from violence, the most unbearable aspect of it all. The decision taken on a Thursday afternoon to bar some tossers, becomes a potential death sentence to your door staff who will have to implement those exclusions. Fucking nightmare. If there is a solution somewhere, it is for schools to become more aware of bullying and more open to dealing with it instead of sweeping it under the carpet. Stop it early. Explain the sad weakness of glorifying that kind of physical strength.
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What’s the most exciting thing about music right now?
The bands playing my night at the ICA of course…no. Not fair. But slightly true. Otherwise I wouldn’t have asked them…
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What CD is in your car stereo at the moment?
Evanescence. I know, it’s just Meatloaf for kids, but it’s such good Meatloaf and I love the girl’s lyrics… I carry the CD liner notes in my car to follow the text…The best thing about music in a period when the industry is in self-pity mode is the kids. Our kids. My kids. We should be worried if the present generation were slightly less absorbed in music than the children of the 60’s and 70’s and 80’s. Considering the garbage on offer from successful UK TV formats, they would be forgiven. But they don’t need to be. UK kids are obsessed with music as ever and that’s all that matters.
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What do you think is the best record of 2003 so far?
That one…Evanescence.

You’re in charge of your own radio station for a day. What DJs would you book to play-and why?
I would book any gold station DJ from the US. Why the fuck can America do gold and we can’t? US gold means classic rock and pop songs from 1956 to yesterday. In the UK, gold means middle-of-the-road shite. Wake up for heaven’s sake… gimme a good gold DJ. Now.
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If you could spend a day with anyone in the world, who would it be, and why?
The late Cardinal Arns, Archbishop of Sao Paolo. Mr. Liberation theology. I need to understand my Catholicism better. Plus I blame him for my bad business sense. “But Cardinal, are you saying that…just to be rich…of itself…is a sin”? “Exactly my boy” …arms opening wide, big grin on his face.
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What would make you stop working?
A guaranteed income of £100,000 per year. Death.
When was the last time you cried?
Recently. Probably a chick flick. Normally cry for dead friends five years after they die…delayed reaction stuff.
What’s your favourite smell?
Grey flannel – me. Cassini – her
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Which item have you lost that you most want back?
A Musst de Cartier travel clock given me as a present by my beloved many years ago. Much missed. And now a palm tree which I got in 1975. My fucking cat, Madison, has pissed on it so often, it’s dying and I want it back…should be repotting it if I didn’t have to do this fucking interview with you lot, expect your mag looks cool. My colleague Saville thinks it’s great so there. Fuck the palm tree.
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What do you consider your biggest fashion faux pas?
Wearing sarongs throughout the ‘90’s. Pre-Beckham even. Actually my kids think it’s a faux pas. I love them. Particularly in South East Asia.

When was the last time you went out and weren’t on the guest list?
I only go out in Manchester and as a minor local celebrity I’m always on the guest list. But as soon as there’s a pause in entry, as in someone checking invites or something, I just walk away and go home. Can’t stand queuing and can’t stand using my minor celebrity to get in. Either straight in or fuck off is my motto.
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It’s your 100th birthday. You’re in dreamland. What five bands/DJs/artists are playing at your party?
Stockholm Monsters, Happy Mondays, Neil Young, Willie Nelson, The Hollies (well it is a party)

What animal do you identify most with?
A rhino coming out of a thicket (how legendary drummer Bruce Mitchell describes my dominant behavioural mode)
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What was the first record you bought? And when was the last time you listened to it?
Peter Paul and Mary’s In Concert Volume One 1964, probably. But I think about it. Did you know that Warner Brothers Records (whom I later spent a great part of the ‘80s and early ‘90s working for – God Bless Mo Ostin and all the rest of the greatest label in history) was about to fold and cease in 1961-62, until the success of that very record? Not such a joke after all.
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Do you think you’ve already had the ‘best sex of your life’?
No, there’s always something new, another shore to reach…and Pfizer science helps me say that. And isn’t Pele brave?

What band do you wish you had signed to your record label?
The Music and Cat on Form. Thank God I missed The Smiths ‘cause Gretton, my late partner who hailed them as the new Beatles, told Johnny the demo was shit and he wouldn’t sign them till they gave him a good demo. Fuck Morrissey. Great talent, but treats other human beings like shit, which isn’t right.
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What’s in your pocket right now?
Antacid tablets. (Is it age or the drugs?) and ten

What would you come back as in your next life?
Me. Kinda enjoyed it so far…

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Dear Auxiliarist readers,
I’m going to press pause on this blog for a few weeks this summer just like last year so I can catch up on a backlog of work, transition to other projects, and spend time with my family.
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Regular postings will continue in the fall.
Before I go, would you do me a huge favor?
Let me know how this blog can better serve you.
I began this blog 4 months ago with a vision of hanging out with auxiliarists, the good folks who read my posts, and talking about Coast Guard subjects together.
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  • We focus on four main areas of practical leadership:
  • Who we are (our character),
  • What we do (our work),
  • Who we care for (relationships & family), and
  • What matters most (our purpose).
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About 500 of you subscribe regularly to this blog/twitter and read it every week. About 8,000 of you stop by each month to read a page or two. What’s always important to me is the individual. I want to know how this blog can be sharpened and focused to better serve those who read it and forward the postings to their friends.
For that reason, would you take a few moments to “say anything” in answer to the following questions?
Please answer in the comments section below, or send me an email at:
wayne [at] auxiliarist [dot] com (no spaces between words, @ instead of ‘at’).
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When you think about those four main leadership areas mentioned above, what would you say are the greatest needs in your life, or in the lives of your friends? What topics are most pressing to address in this blog?
Would you rather see longer more thought-provoking postings, or quicker more scan-able postings?
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Currently I post something once a week. Would you like the frequency of postings to remain the same? If not, then how many postings? Twice a day? Once a month?
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Many bloggers offer premium services or e-stores on their blogs where readers can purchase educational courses, coaching, or ancillary products such as t-shirts and posters. For instance, CutterAgent offers stickers, stationary, coasters, and more. If I offered a service or product for sale on this blog, what would you want it to be?
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What have you been reading lately? How’s the weather where you live? Say anything else.
Thanks in advance for your replies!
Have a great rest of the summer,
—Auxiliarist Editor

Saturday 19 October 2013

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Car batteries play massive role in improved performance of your car. This is the reason that experts suggest you to not just love and care for interior and outer appeal of your car. But, it is also…

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Car batteries play massive role in improved performance of your car. This is the reason that experts suggest you to not just love and care for interior and outer appeal of your car. But, it is also suggested toBest car battery in India are given very much value by car owners, manufacturers as well as mechanics. Batteries are important in terms of serving the vehicle with required backup. The completely charged and effectively functioning keeps the car functioning in better condition.
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be a right approach towards paying complete attention towards regular care and improvement of car spares. Machines, tools and other spares installed in this field help you to ensure smooth functioning of your vehicle. But, if you ignore these spares and don’t pay attention on their routine maintenance and repairing, then you might face issues in the overall functioning of your vehicle. Therefore,

Though, the cases of car batteries breaking down or stop functioning are common. This happens because users don’t pay enough attention on supplying proper water to the battery and keeping it organized so that it gets charged automatically without any delay. If this all doesn’t happen and your vehicle is stood back in parking for a long period of time, then the battery might face leakage of chemicals filled in it. This minimizes the performance of battery and its charging capacity automatically goes low.
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To ensure that all this doesn’t happen to you, it is important for the car owners to learn how to prevent car batteries against all the potential mechanical or technical problems they might face. Here are some of the leading points, which help you to find out how to stop your battery from draining in very less time and offer you with complete backup whenever your car requires it. Though, these are small and general points, but ironically, these points are often overlooked by people and as a result, they people end up facing countless problems. Some of the incredible aspects in this series include:

  • Avoiding keeping the headlights of your car turned on for a long period of time
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  • Leaving the car keys in the ignition might be one reason of reduced battery life. So, avoid repeating such mistakes.
  •  Rust on the terminals of battery can reduce its performance. Keep it clean and free from rust.
  •   Replace the battery with new one before its life is ended. It is good way of keeping your vehicle’s machinery upgraded.

flowArrange 9 X 9 puzzle game downloadAlways act responsible and pay complete attention on performance of your car’s battery. Its regular care, maintenance and monitoring will help you to have a reliably functioning battery (forklift battery) for a long period of time. This will empower you with such a strong backup in your vehicle, which you can completely rely on. How to prevent your car batteriesis the question, which can be resolved when you follow all the steps mentioned above.


Saturday 12 October 2013

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A bunch of you people on Facebook and Twitter keep sharing a Huff Po stick-figure thing about how Gen Y is unhappy because they’re unrealistic delusional ingrates.

You know, this thing.
If you wrote that, or you liked that, carefully consider these thoughts:
1) These are weirdly contrived generational categories, too weird for such black-and-white reasoning. I’ve always thought myself more tail-end-of-Gen-X in temperament, age, and outlook. But '77-'79 is a sociologically ambiguous no-man's land, and we typically get lumped in with the millennials, especially when it comes to money matters.
2) Go f**k yourselves.

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You have no idea about student debt, underemployment, life-long renting. “Stop feeling special” is some shitty advice. I don’t feel special or entitled, just poor. The only thing that makes me special is I have more ballooning debt than you. I’ve tempered the hell out of my expectations of work, and I’ve exceeded those expectations crazily to have one interesting, exciting damned career that’s culminated in some leadership roles for national publications. And I’m still poor and in debt and worked beyond the point where it can be managed with my health and my desire to actually see the son I’m helping to raise.Younger journos see me as a success story and ask my advice, and I feel like a fraud, because I’m doing what I love, and it makes me completely miserable and exhausts me.
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Last weekend my baby had a fever, and we contemplated taking him to the ER, and my first thought was - had to be - “Oh God, that could wipe out our bank account! Maybe he can just ride it out?” Our status in this Big Financial Game had sucked my basic humanity towards my child away for a minute. If I wish for something better, is that me simply being entitled and delusional?
There *are* delusions at play here, but they are not our generation's. They play out as two contradictory lectures that we are told, simultaneously, by our monied elders:
1) This is AMERICA. Everybody does better than their parents!

2) This is AMERICA. Suck it up and quit bitching that you're not as well-off as your parents!
The latter maxim lurks in the heart of every critique of millennials. It assumes that if we're worse off than previous generations, the fault is ours, and our complaints are so much white whine. We should shut up and be content, because we do work less than our forebears, and spend more time enraptured by our own navels, trying to divine some life-affirming creative direction in them.
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But there's nothing for us to suck up, really. As a rule, our parents did end up much more dedicated to their careers than we have. But as a rule, they were laid off less. They didn't intern or work as independent contractors. They got full medical. They were occasionally permitted to adopt magical unicorn-like money-granting creatures called "pensions." Or, barring that, they accumulated a huger 401K to cash out before the Great Recession, because they saved more. And they saved more because the costs of college, of kid care, of health care, of doing business and staying alive and buying groceries and staying connected, were far less than they are today. They could raise a family on one salary if necessary.

They had room to advance and buy things. Yes, even the creatives. I once li
flowArrange 8 X 8 puzzle game downloadstened to a professor, who is in his sixties, read us the first published piece he'd been paid for, in the late 1970s. A thousand words or so. The rate, he says, was something like two bucks a word. That's four times what the Village Voice pays today, even for an award-winning investigative cover story. It's geometrically greater than what most writers can earn today writing daily brilliance for nationally renowned publications online. And writing daily brilliance, which many of them do, is hard goddamned work.If I had a dollar for every older writer or editor who confided to me that "I don't know how young writers do it today; I certainly couldn't," I could buy every property that publishes them.
So no, we shan't be doing as well as our parents, and no, we shan't be shutting up about it. If anything, those of us who have been cowed into silence because college-educated poor problems aren't real poor problems should shed our fears and start talking about just how hard it really is out there, man.
This state of affairs does not exist because we're entitled and have simply declined to work as hard as the people that birthed us. American workers have changed from generation to generation: Since 1979, the alleged Dawn of the Millennial, the average U.S. worker has endured a 75 percent increase in productivity...while real wages stayed flat.

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Those changes are blips on a timeline compared to the massive, psyche-altering vicissitudes of American Industry, its self-Taylorization to the point where profit-making and shareholder value have been maximized in ways that Morgans and Carnegies and Vanderbilts couldn't even have conceived — in ways that have stiffed workers and the families they can no longer afford. Since '79, the top 1 percent of earners in America has seen their income quadruple.

So take your “revise your expectations! check your ego!” Horatio Alger bullshit, and stuff it. While you’re at it, stuff this economy. Not this GDP, not this unemployment level: this economy, this financial system that establishes complete social and political control over us, that conditions us to believe that we don’t deserve basic shelter and clothing and food and education and existence-sustaining medical care unless we throw our lives into vassalage and hope, pray, that the lords don’t fuck with our retirements or our coverages. (Maybe if we’re extra productive, someday they’ll do a 4o1K match again, like our ancestors used to talk about!)
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Take the system that siphons off our capacities for human flourishing in hopes that we get thrown a little coin of the realm in return. Take that system and blow it up, you cowards.
Oh, and also, stop thinking that you’re special.
(Photo: Flickr Commons/mSeattle)


Saturday 5 October 2013

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flowArrange 7 X 7 puzzle game downloadLarry Page, 40, is the co-founder and CEO of one of the most successful, ubiquitous and increasingly strange companies on the planet. Google is, of course, in the search business, and, more important for its profitability, it is in the online-advertising business. But it's also in the driverless-car business, the wearable-computing business, and the business of providing Internet access to remote areas via high-altitude balloons, among countless others.

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Page prefers to refer to the search giant's more out-there ventures as moon shots. At the moment Google is preparing an especially uncertain and distant shot. It is planning to launch Calico, a new company that will focus on health and aging in particular. "In some industries," says Page, who spoke exclusively with TIME about the new venture, "it takes 10 or 20 years to go from an idea to something being real. Health care is certainly one of those areas. We should shoot for the things that are really, really important, so 10 or 20 years from now we have those things done."
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The unavoidable question this raises is why a company built on finding information and serving ads next to it is spending untold amounts on a project that flies in the face of the basic fact of the human condition, the existential certainty of aging and death? To which the unavoidable answer is another question: Who the hell else is going to do it?