Saturday 30 November 2013

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If there’s one thing Americans hate it’s the poor. Even the poor hate the poor and are quite ready to abuse them.
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In 2007 my wife and I went to visit New York. We stayed at a Bed & Breakfast in Brooklyn, operated by a husband and wife. That wasn’t their full-time job, though. Or rather,  not their ONLY job. Bibi ran the B&B and then went off to work. The husband had TWO jobs, one as a busdriver and something else I can’t quite recall. I think he did deliveries to stores at night. So all in all, four jobs between them. (It was a pretty big house, with several rooms that were rented out. Running a B&B of that size counts as a job, as far as ‘m concerned.)
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The husband was originally from Holland and he clearly enjoyed pissing all over his native country, especially to fellow Dutchmen. According to him, we were living in some sort of hell, where people were either thieves or victims of a socialist government. Boy, was he glad he had moved to the Land Of Opportunity.

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I really, REALLY wanted to explain to him that my wife and I only had one job each, part-time in my wife’s case. And 4 weeks of paid vacation per year, which is more than he got. We were neither thieves nor lazy, 
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but we did have affordable health care and didn’t need extra jobs to pay the rent. Also, when we voted, our votes counted just as much as anyone else’s (they weren’t discarded just because we had voted for a ‘losing’ party) and our neighbours did not have the right (or the opportunity) to buy a machine gun and keep it at arms reach. From our perspective, we had it better than that guy in almost every respect. (We didn’t have Netflix in Holland at the time. Or even a single Cheesecake Factory.)

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America has no shortage of delusional idiots such as our host. Americans live in poverty, amass huge debts, 1 in 4 ends up in prison or with a criminal conviction, they’re the fattest nation on earth, millions can’t afford healthcare, millions more pay for healthcare and then don’t get it when they need it and in 2011 the nation spent 665 billion (!!!) dollars on their military and, by way of contrast, 70 billion on education.

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They lead the world mainly in fuel consumption, teenage pregnancies and frivolous lawsuits but somehow they all think that they live in paradise. And so all of them, even the poorest and dumbest, will continue to vote against their own self-interests and in favour of legislation that benefits the rich. After all, they themselves will be rich one day!

Well… Glad to get that off my chest. Pfew.
It helps to think of all this when you read the article ‘I was a warehouse slave’ by Mac McClelland. In it, she tells us of her job at an Amazon warehouse, where she was treated only marginally better than a rented mule.

flowArrange 5 X 5 puzzle game download iPhone apps It’s a job for the poor, the transient, those whose pensions aren’t enough to live on (*) and the as-yet not well educated. People that Amazon and other companies can and do take advantage of. To disavow themselves of any responsibility, they don’t operate the warehouses themselves, but they use companies that act as a middleman and that can take the blame for these conditions.

(* But who have been cheerfully voting Republican their entire lives so fuck ‘em)
Here’s an excerpt where Mac gets some insider tips from a lady at the local chamber of Commerce:
"They need you to work as fast as 
possible to push out as much as they can as fast as they can. So they’re gonna give you goals, and then you know what? If you make those goals, they’re gonna increase the goals. But they’ll be yelling at you all the time. It’s like the military. 

flowArrange 5 X 5 puzzle game download iPhone appsThey have to break you down so they can turn you into what they want you to be. So they’re going to tell you, ‘You’re not good enough, you’re not good enough, you’re not good enough,’ to make you work harder. Don’t say, ‘This is the best I can do.’ Say, ‘I’ll try,’ even if you know you can’t do it. Because if you say, ‘This is the best I can do,’ they’ll let you go. They hire and fire constantly, every day. You’ll see people dropping all around you. But don’t take it personally and break down or start crying when they yell at you."
"Well, what if I do start crying?" I ask the woman who warns me to keep it together no matter how awfully I’m treated. "Are they really going to fire me for that?"
"Yes," she says. "There’s 16 other people who want your job. Why would they keep a person who gets emotional, especially in this economy?"

Still, she advises, regardless of how much they push me, don’t work so hard that I injure myself. I’m young. I have a long life ahead of me. It’s not worth it to do permanent physical damage, she says, which, considering that I got hired at elevensomething dollars an hour, is a bit of an understatement.”

flowArrange 5 X 5 puzzle game download iPhone appsSounds like a challenge, doesn’t it? You’ll also read all about how the warehouse is so massive, you basically spend your lunch break walking to and from the bathroom and how, as you do your job, you are repeatedly electrocuted by static electricity.
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It gives you something to think about, next time you order something online. Oh, please note that Amazon is referred to as ‘Amalgamated Product Giant Shipping Worldwide Inc.’ But it’s them. Who else sells nappies, books, flower sifters and sex toys from a warehouse in Ohio?
Full article (4 pages, don’t forget to click) at Mother Jones:
Some additional links, while I’m at it:
What is life like for an Amazon worker' at An article based on emails from a former warehouse employee.
Also: The Secret Lives of Amazon’s Elves at


Saturday 16 November 2013

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Hell yeah!
It's fun to think about sex as the reward you get, as something you earn, but it's also misguided and dangerous and not that fun at all when you think about it. In my house, we got rewarded with going out to dinner at Friendly's if we got good grades at the end of the semester.
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 If I aced spelling (as I often did [adding 'ass' into words like 'fasster' came much later]) and my parents didn't take me to Friendly's, I would be furious, and my rage would be totally justified, because Good Grades = Friendly's was the deal we made. I got an A; I earned chicken fingers followed by ice cream that looked like a man with a big pointy hat whose brains I could devour.

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The brains would make me smarter, which would yield better grades and then more delicious brains. The Daniel O'Brien Self-Sustaining Cycle of Perfection.
Here's an important thing: You will never be owed sex. At any time. From anyone. There aren't enough favors or good deeds you can do,
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 and there will never be a large enough donation you could make in the Morality Bank to guarantee future sex. Do good things or be nice to a woman because they're the things you want to and should do, but remember that one of the most important aspects of gettin' all up in them guts is not believing that said guts are yours for the up-gettin'-in by right.
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Sex isn't a light at the end of a tunnel, it's not a thing that you work or fight for and earn, it's a thing -- like see-saw or tennis or one of those two-person carts that they used in coal mines -- that two
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people can do together if they both feel like it and if doing so would be enjoyable for both parties. Sex is supposed to be fun. It can also be funny, if you do it right (and, boner-bonus, if you do it wrong!). Here is my favorite three-panel comic of all time:

Saturday 9 November 2013

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Duke Ellington arrives in Kabul with US charge d'affaires William Brewer (left)
Fifty years ago this week, Duke Ellington and his band played in a concert he later called one of the most memorable of his life. The performance was in Kabul, in Afghanistan, and even though Ellington was at the height of his fame, almost all traces of it have been lost.
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For the organiser, Faiz Khairzada, and hundreds of Afghans in the audience, the concert was a high point of the early 1960s. "It was very exciting for me to have him in Kabul," says Khairzada, then head of Afghanistan's cultural affairs organisation.
It was he who met Ellington at the airport and drove him on a golden afternoon across Kabul, then a small city, to the stage he'd built at the Ghazi stadium. Khairzada was a jazz fan and they chatted on the way about Louis Armstrong and about plans to make home-grown Afghan films. "You make the movie, kid - and I'll do the music for it," Ellington offered, and in the Kabul of 1963, all that seemed possible.
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Duke Ellington talks to Michael Parkinson in 1973 about his Kabul concert, and plays a number with the house band
Tickets were free and around 5,000 people made their way to the stadium to hear what to them was the new and strange sound of jazz. Ellington opened with Caravan, followed by Don't Get Around Much Anymore. Khairzada remembers that between numbers Ellington would come to the edge of the stage and chat to the audience.
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"Of course the people didn't understand. This kind of music - blues and jazz - was very little known," he says. "But they loved the style. When the trumpets and saxophones came out and did their solos, people were awed - not so much by the sound, but the performance."
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Ellington was puzzled when, halfway through the concert, the audience appeared to leave. But Khairzada explained that it was the hour of prayer, and the seats soon filled up again. King Zahir and the royal family came over to shake hands with the band after the concert.
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Ellington remembered "riding round all night long" after the concert, listening to Afghan music in cafes. "They have their own thing going on there, and it's good," he told BBC chat show host Michael Parkinson in 1973.
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The Kabul concert was part of a longer tour sponsored by the US State Department - jazz diplomacy playing out against the backdrop of the Cold War.
As early as 1953 the American jazz giant Dave Brubeck had himself played Kabul. His visit, he said, had inspired his hit Nomad on the album Impressions of Eurasia. Ellington's tour took in Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Iran and Lebanon, where, according to Ellington, "those cats were swinging". The band had reached Turkey on 22 November 1963 when the shocking news came that President John F Kennedy had been assassinated.
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In Afghanistan the old order was changing too. This was still a poor country of farmers and herdsmen, but new ideas were in play at least among the elite. Hemlines were going up and hair was going higher. The British supermarket Marks and Spencer opened a branch in 1960. The old absolute monarchy was reforming and Kabul University was thick with factions. Islamic, communist, modernist and other groups began to crowd the growing political space, each with its own idea of what it meant to be Afghan.
Khairzada and many other young intellectuals shared a vision of an Afghanistan with culturally open borders. They welcomed performers from Germany and the US, Iran, Russia, India and Turkey. "I felt we were on a launch pad, we were full of optimism," he says.
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He set up an ambitious youth theatre group, staging a production of Tennessee Williams' A Streetcar Named Desire, which Khairzada had translated into Dari.
Khairzada also booked the Joffrey Ballet, then based in New York. Its co-founder, choreographer Robert Joffrey - born Abdullah Jaffa Bey Khan - was of Afghan descent and later described the trip with great warmth.
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"It was a very, very big deal for us," Khairzada says. "Joffrey gave a masterclass for the kids [in Kabul] and a command performance. We had perhaps the worst theatre in the world. It was winter and I collected all the heaters and stoves I could find to keep the dancers warm. But the performance was dazzling."

Robert Joffrey was said to be thrilled to be performing in his homeland with his ballet troupe
Politically, things were often difficult for Khairzada. He was backed by some elements in government and opposed by others. But then, on 28 April 1978, the communist Khalq party staged the coup that would herald the Soviet invasion and a generation of war.
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He and his wife rushed to pick up the children from school and buy as much bread as possible.

Khairzada managed to get the family out of Afghanistan, but he was arrested and put under house detention, as were hundreds of intellectuals. He knew that these were probably his last days, so, slipping out after dark, he arranged to escape. Disguised as a nomad and guided by a smuggler, Khairzada walked for three days along the passes and over the Afghan border.
flowArrange 13 X 13 puzzle game downloadThe Khairzada family were eventually reunited and started life again as refugees in the US. Behind them their house, full of scores, plays, art, and records was looted and then bombed. Everything inside was stolen, including the Duke Ellington LPs.
Khairzada, the organiser of the extraordinary Ellington concert, continued to work in arts administration. He is still a jazz fan.
Faiz Khairzada spoke to Witness - which airs weekdays on BBC World Service radio. You can listen to Monica Whitlock's report here.
Photo of Duke Ellington in Kabul courtesy of Special Collections, University of Arkansas Libraries, Fayetteville, CU Collection Box 345:10.


Saturday 2 November 2013

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When all is said in done, Tyga’s “Make It Nasty” video might not have been worth all the hassle and lawyer fees. The Young Money rapper is being sued by yet another woman who appeared in the video, reports TMZ. This time, the vixen is claiming she was sexually assaulted by a man in a rabbit suit.

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flowArrange 12 X 12 puzzle game downloadAccording to the report, Allison Brown recently filed the suit against Tyga and his label Young Money Entertainment claiming that she was approached about appearing in the visual for the raunchy tune back in November 2011. Brown claims when she arrived at the Hollywood Hills mansion where the video was being taped producers began to give her alcohol even though she wasn’t legal drinking age at the time. She goes on to allege that she was groped by a man in a rabbit suit and another man grabbed her breasts. She also claims, like the two other women who have filed suit against the rapper behind the video, that she was convinced to dance topless and assured her breasts would be edited out. Brown is suing Tyga for sexual battery as well as fraud, invasion of privacy, and infliction of emotional distress.

This isn’t the first time this month a Young Money artist has had legal issues. Two weeks ago, Tyga was sued for allegedly failing to pay for over $90,000 in jewelry. On Friday (September 20), Mack Mane turned himself in to authorities to face charges of sexual battery.
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Saturday 26 October 2013

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The British music industry would have been dramatically different had it not been for one Tony Wilson.
Factory Records not only bore Joy Division/New Order and the Happy Mondays, but – thanks to Peter Saville’s design aesthetic – set a template for numerous UK independent labels to ape. In 1982, Wilson and friends opened The Haçienda. The rest, as they say, is history – one chartered most memorably in Michael Winterbottom’s 2002 film, 24 Hour Party People.
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This October, Wilson will be curating a “fantasy” night showcasing his favourite new bands [ed note: Tim Booth of James, Crank and The Music] at London’s ICA called DJ Saved My Life, part of Amnesty’s campaign to force proper control of the arms trade right to the top of the political agenda.
flowArrange 11 X 11 puzzle game downloadHere FACT interviews him via the Internet. Want to know the bands he wished he’d signed, but didn’t? What’s his favourite record of 2003? How much money would make him stop working? His biggest fashion faux pas and the last time he went out and wasn’t on the guest list? Then read on…

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“Can’t stand queuing and can’t stand using my minor celebrity to get in. Either straight in or fuck off is my motto.”
  What can you expect from your night at the ICA? Sell it to us…
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My theme is ‘the one who got away’. It seemed like a nice idea to put on a few bands I have fallen in love with in the last few years and failed to sign – a way of being contemporary and also self-depreciating. Maybe it would be nicer to offer people a slice of what it feels like to be me going to a gig… every time I descend the grimy stairs of some hip basement, it is the same as doing an examination, except that my life depends on it. It’s an exam ‘cause it’s an exercise in art criticism; “Is this band good or bad?”. And life or death, ‘cause if I ever saw a band and thought they were poor and they turned out to be life-enhancing geniuses, I would have to slit my fucking throat. So that’s what it feels like every time I do this. And for my night for the ICA, here are two bands that I adore and one young bunch I respect enormously but I wouldn’t sign ‘cause they don’t fulfil my criteria of being unable to play their instruments.
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You’ve experienced armed violence at clubs and scenes you’ve been integral over the years. How important to you is it to be involved in this campaign?
I hate bullies and in the end that’s all gangs are. The glorification of self-assertive violence is in fact the glorification of those people in the school playground who deal with their inadequacies by terrorising children who are weaker than themselves.
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Any effort to disengage from the bling quotient of firearms is to be cheered. It’s not cool to threaten violence or indulge in it. It’s great to be doing some little thing like curating a gig even (oh so fucking arty) to add even a little to this message.
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How optimistic are you about a time when clubs can prevent such violence?
Not very. The club problem is, in my experience, an ego problem. The better your club – and you want it to be the greatest – the more the heads and their minions will want to come in and show off and preen themselves by getting free drinks and hitting your staff if they don’t give them free drinks. Always found the sheer helplessness of being unable to defend one’s bar staff from violence, the most unbearable aspect of it all. The decision taken on a Thursday afternoon to bar some tossers, becomes a potential death sentence to your door staff who will have to implement those exclusions. Fucking nightmare. If there is a solution somewhere, it is for schools to become more aware of bullying and more open to dealing with it instead of sweeping it under the carpet. Stop it early. Explain the sad weakness of glorifying that kind of physical strength.
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What’s the most exciting thing about music right now?
The bands playing my night at the ICA of course…no. Not fair. But slightly true. Otherwise I wouldn’t have asked them…
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What CD is in your car stereo at the moment?
Evanescence. I know, it’s just Meatloaf for kids, but it’s such good Meatloaf and I love the girl’s lyrics… I carry the CD liner notes in my car to follow the text…The best thing about music in a period when the industry is in self-pity mode is the kids. Our kids. My kids. We should be worried if the present generation were slightly less absorbed in music than the children of the 60’s and 70’s and 80’s. Considering the garbage on offer from successful UK TV formats, they would be forgiven. But they don’t need to be. UK kids are obsessed with music as ever and that’s all that matters.
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What do you think is the best record of 2003 so far?
That one…Evanescence.

You’re in charge of your own radio station for a day. What DJs would you book to play-and why?
I would book any gold station DJ from the US. Why the fuck can America do gold and we can’t? US gold means classic rock and pop songs from 1956 to yesterday. In the UK, gold means middle-of-the-road shite. Wake up for heaven’s sake… gimme a good gold DJ. Now.
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If you could spend a day with anyone in the world, who would it be, and why?
The late Cardinal Arns, Archbishop of Sao Paolo. Mr. Liberation theology. I need to understand my Catholicism better. Plus I blame him for my bad business sense. “But Cardinal, are you saying that…just to be rich…of itself…is a sin”? “Exactly my boy” …arms opening wide, big grin on his face.
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What would make you stop working?
A guaranteed income of £100,000 per year. Death.
When was the last time you cried?
Recently. Probably a chick flick. Normally cry for dead friends five years after they die…delayed reaction stuff.
What’s your favourite smell?
Grey flannel – me. Cassini – her
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Which item have you lost that you most want back?
A Musst de Cartier travel clock given me as a present by my beloved many years ago. Much missed. And now a palm tree which I got in 1975. My fucking cat, Madison, has pissed on it so often, it’s dying and I want it back…should be repotting it if I didn’t have to do this fucking interview with you lot, expect your mag looks cool. My colleague Saville thinks it’s great so there. Fuck the palm tree.
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What do you consider your biggest fashion faux pas?
Wearing sarongs throughout the ‘90’s. Pre-Beckham even. Actually my kids think it’s a faux pas. I love them. Particularly in South East Asia.

When was the last time you went out and weren’t on the guest list?
I only go out in Manchester and as a minor local celebrity I’m always on the guest list. But as soon as there’s a pause in entry, as in someone checking invites or something, I just walk away and go home. Can’t stand queuing and can’t stand using my minor celebrity to get in. Either straight in or fuck off is my motto.
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It’s your 100th birthday. You’re in dreamland. What five bands/DJs/artists are playing at your party?
Stockholm Monsters, Happy Mondays, Neil Young, Willie Nelson, The Hollies (well it is a party)

What animal do you identify most with?
A rhino coming out of a thicket (how legendary drummer Bruce Mitchell describes my dominant behavioural mode)
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What was the first record you bought? And when was the last time you listened to it?
Peter Paul and Mary’s In Concert Volume One 1964, probably. But I think about it. Did you know that Warner Brothers Records (whom I later spent a great part of the ‘80s and early ‘90s working for – God Bless Mo Ostin and all the rest of the greatest label in history) was about to fold and cease in 1961-62, until the success of that very record? Not such a joke after all.
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Do you think you’ve already had the ‘best sex of your life’?
No, there’s always something new, another shore to reach…and Pfizer science helps me say that. And isn’t Pele brave?

What band do you wish you had signed to your record label?
The Music and Cat on Form. Thank God I missed The Smiths ‘cause Gretton, my late partner who hailed them as the new Beatles, told Johnny the demo was shit and he wouldn’t sign them till they gave him a good demo. Fuck Morrissey. Great talent, but treats other human beings like shit, which isn’t right.
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What’s in your pocket right now?
Antacid tablets. (Is it age or the drugs?) and ten

What would you come back as in your next life?
Me. Kinda enjoyed it so far…

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Dear Auxiliarist readers,
I’m going to press pause on this blog for a few weeks this summer just like last year so I can catch up on a backlog of work, transition to other projects, and spend time with my family.
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Regular postings will continue in the fall.
Before I go, would you do me a huge favor?
Let me know how this blog can better serve you.
I began this blog 4 months ago with a vision of hanging out with auxiliarists, the good folks who read my posts, and talking about Coast Guard subjects together.
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  • We focus on four main areas of practical leadership:
  • Who we are (our character),
  • What we do (our work),
  • Who we care for (relationships & family), and
  • What matters most (our purpose).
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About 500 of you subscribe regularly to this blog/twitter and read it every week. About 8,000 of you stop by each month to read a page or two. What’s always important to me is the individual. I want to know how this blog can be sharpened and focused to better serve those who read it and forward the postings to their friends.
For that reason, would you take a few moments to “say anything” in answer to the following questions?
Please answer in the comments section below, or send me an email at:
wayne [at] auxiliarist [dot] com (no spaces between words, @ instead of ‘at’).
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When you think about those four main leadership areas mentioned above, what would you say are the greatest needs in your life, or in the lives of your friends? What topics are most pressing to address in this blog?
Would you rather see longer more thought-provoking postings, or quicker more scan-able postings?
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Currently I post something once a week. Would you like the frequency of postings to remain the same? If not, then how many postings? Twice a day? Once a month?
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Many bloggers offer premium services or e-stores on their blogs where readers can purchase educational courses, coaching, or ancillary products such as t-shirts and posters. For instance, CutterAgent offers stickers, stationary, coasters, and more. If I offered a service or product for sale on this blog, what would you want it to be?
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What have you been reading lately? How’s the weather where you live? Say anything else.
Thanks in advance for your replies!
Have a great rest of the summer,
—Auxiliarist Editor